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Chief planner

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  • Date:2018/01/08

Post duties

Job Responsibilities:
1, Participate in the research and planning of urban spatial layout and industrial layout of new model projects;
2, Participate in the study of regional economic function orientation, regional industrial structure analysis, geological +3.0 project planning;
3, participate in the preparation of the planning and development of industrial planning proposals, planning programs.
4, to complete other tasks assigned by the company leaders.

job requirements:
1, Bachelor degree or above, more than 3 years planning design experience;
2, with excellent analytical skills, logical thinking ability, strong ability to innovate;
3, can use scientific methods to analyze the status quo, trends and impact of regional economic cooperation and development;
4, have a certain theory and policy research ability, relatively comprehensive knowledge structure and professional skills;
5, with a solid foundation of text and strong language skills;
6, positive, brave, good sense of teamwork, strong learning ability to learn the desire.


Please fill in the following items in detail:

  • Intentional position:

    Chief planner

  • Name:
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  • Address:
  • Education:
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  • Major:
  • Graduation date:
  • Hope for salary:
  • On-the-job status:
  • Work experience: